Friday, May 27, 2011

yo listen up :)

heyyo :)
the hobo is now in singapore! the shopping paradise xDD
but... i can't go shopping on the weekdays :O
sad ritee? damn SAD >:(
all i'll be doing is help out my aunt and hang out with my cousin...
that'll be okayy then.
grandma is going to kuching for her sis got cancer D':
so, my mom dumped me here in singapore. haizzz.
it's okayy. hopefully, i won't regret it :/
now am addicted to 0330 - u-kiss <3
will be going online for practically everydayy :O
watching tv. eat. sleep. go online. help aunt do chores. bully my cousin.
that'll be all what im gonna do...
well, see ya. hobo out O.o

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