Wednesday, May 4, 2011

im so sorry but i love you :(

im glad i got to tell someone about how i feel about ahem.
someone who had a similar situation before.
i really wanna just stop about ahem.
never want him to be in my mind ever again.
but why is it so hard?
can't it ever stop? the way i feel about ahem.
is it really necessary for him to exist in my life?
i wish i had never seen him before.
but there would be no one else as "perfect" as him.
he's sooo...
someday i'll stop. i know i will.
i'll find someone wayy better than him.
someone that i actually talk to.
someone who can care and love me and never cheat on me.
not someone who might not know i exist.
not someone who i've not talk to at all.
yes! i'll find that guy.

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