Monday, May 30, 2011

all i want is to mess around :)

i'd have to be alone for threee days starting wednesday :(
my grandma gonna go to kuching *metioned*
well, will be watching korean dramas :)
decided not to stay in singapore.
will be alone taking care of my cousin :O
not going out shopping instead D:
that's why coming back was the best choice yet :D
im awesome that way yo.
checking out big bang merch.
might want to buy something :B
owh and will be pasting more posters on my bedroom wall :D
so far have 3 on it 2 more to be paste on :D
i love to wake up in the morning looking at TOP's face xD
well, gotta go sleep for now.

Friday, May 27, 2011

yo listen up :)

heyyo :)
the hobo is now in singapore! the shopping paradise xDD
but... i can't go shopping on the weekdays :O
sad ritee? damn SAD >:(
all i'll be doing is help out my aunt and hang out with my cousin...
that'll be okayy then.
grandma is going to kuching for her sis got cancer D':
so, my mom dumped me here in singapore. haizzz.
it's okayy. hopefully, i won't regret it :/
now am addicted to 0330 - u-kiss <3
will be going online for practically everydayy :O
watching tv. eat. sleep. go online. help aunt do chores. bully my cousin.
that'll be all what im gonna do...
well, see ya. hobo out O.o

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

im captain N-sparrow ;D

the hobo is the house and laughed like mad when reading gie mei's blog about events day :)
had dinner just now.
so the yummay :p
recently listening to 나만 이런거야? - block b :D
events day was awesome :)
had lots of fun with mah friends, gie mei, carmen, tang ling, tze wei, ashley and habibi :)
we had treasure hunt :O
i was in group 1 with tze wei and the form 2s and with my neighbour's mom and with someone's mom and some little girl. :p
kinda too much info, huh?
me, habibi, tang ling, tze wei and ash played in a pond :)
since we didn't want to ride on the horses. oh did i mention there was a horse ranch :O
COOL, riteee?
i sayang the horse :D
oh, and the treasure hunt thingy... our group didn't win :(
group 5 and 6 did :/
they won angry bird plushies and rm50 chillis voucher :O
what the fudge?
damn lucky lah them.

well, now i can't stop thinking about that M guy.... D:
i hate him for making me like him :(
there are so many other hot guys and i just had to focus on him only D:
fudge you.
now am really wanting to sing Turn Around - Zico & Kyung (block b)
to that bastard. fine fine he's not a bastard, he's the most attractive person to my eyes... haizzz.
wish i never was that observant to have seen you. :(

Friday, May 20, 2011

do wanna b ;)

someone else has caught my eyes besides bigbang recently.
they're music have been playing in my mind over and over again :)
all of them in this group are not easy to choose as a bias.
they make me smile when they have interviews.
their music is awesome.
but somehow they can't number one on my list because of BIGBANG :p
so let me introduce to you to.....
the sexayy,
hawt and
hiup hop boy k-pop group......

aren't they awesome? :DDDDD
you should listen to their song :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

is it just me?

i don't know why.
why do i always doubt about things in life?
i don't ever tell people what im upset about because i know they won't help me.
no one can..
it hurts to know that.
that's why i never tell others about my inner thoughts.
they will be no one to help me.
i know there won't be any help from even the ones i trust.
i doubt for not trusting people as much as i should.
i can't.
i wish i could have what i intentionally wanted.
to be someone that i know i can be.
but it's just that im too scared to show it.
i doubt too much.
i keep waiting too long.
but no one is there to help me.
i wish i wasn't in this kind of situation.
i wish i had already have what i wanted.
can i really have that if i don't doubt?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

happy ice cream cakeee to mee :p

today such an awesome day :)
pyramid with ashley.
had pizza cone *delicious ^^
baskin robbins chocolate chip. yummy
watched green shoelace :)
went to try out archery and bowling. *first time :O
saw habibi singing with other bunch of kids singing on stage :D
waved like crazy and calling out "habibi habibi look at us!"
met up with her in the end :/
met novin unexpectedly :)
ate in popeyes :p
got cool stuff from ashley.
went to play some games in the arcade :D
walked around the whole place just talking :)
went shopping for snacks for tomorrow in school :)
had starbucks in the end :)

had korean bbq for dinner and listened to kpop in the restaurant :)
2ne1 was playing :DDD
ice cream cake for desert ;)
wanted to take a pic but phone no batt.
no worries will upload it from mom's phone :)
but not tonight, i guess...
best birthday of my teenage birthdays :)
I'd like to thank ash for celebrating my birthday with me :)
you're awesome :)

wassup wassup wassup wassup :D

my mom was the last to wish me :(
it's okayy.
I'll have to go now :D

Saturday, May 14, 2011

im so lonely.

repeating the same song over and over again.
baby, im so lonely.
it practically explained how much i feel now.
it reminds me of you :(
let's not care about you now.
it's time to say...
Yea Mann.
i am awesome :P
random now.
tomorrow gonna go pyramid with ashley and tang ling tomorrow.
and hopefully some more people will be going :)
we might be going to red box :D
i've never been there yet.
i might tomorrow :)
can't wait :DDD

Sunday, May 8, 2011

it's just a feeling :)

well, i gotta say,
it is nice to have to do shopping with my family sometimes because...
so many cute guys in pyramid today.
mostly college boys :P
ayy, you can't blame me! im a teenage girl that can't control herself.
todays MOTHERS' DAY!
happy mothers' day to my mommy and grandma!
and whoever reads my blog, happy mothers' day to your moms :)
had a good dinner in pizza vs satay.
a cute guy kept looking at me :P
im serious! no kidding.
soo cute and older...
am recently addicted to block b's songs :D
they're hot especially the rappers *drooling*
crapp. realised that im talking about guys...
i must be crazy!
haizz. nevermind...
im such a typical teenage girl who checks out hot guys.
im really weird.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

everyday im sh-shuffling

went to sher maine's hse today.
was damn shocked.
had a good time there doing our bio coursework :)
we were mostly talking than working :P
but at least we've done. most of it.
i was the earliest to get there.
feeling real bored now and confused.
my mind's playing games with me.
i hate it.
tomorrow's the day when my granddad is coming!
ok lah. shouldn't be selfish.
but he drives me crazy whenever it comes to scolding my grandma :(
aiish. will he someday stop??
i hope so :/
well, got to be sleeping by now...
but not wanting to :(

Friday, May 6, 2011

baby please don't go :)

thank god physics is to be presented on monday instead.
the bad thing is what are we supposed to do about the the presentation part :O
it's okayy.
will find our way.
busy watching music bank now.
and remembered sathya has my cap :(
now i miss it so much...
hope monday he'll give it back.
tomorrow going to shermaine's hse.
biology coursework...
COURSEWORK! why you come to give me stress??
checking out sweet moves by jay park now :)
his debut music bank now.
beau-ti-ful moves baby.
well, am gonna go now. :/

Thursday, May 5, 2011

baby you're my superstar and im your biggest fan ;)

how lovely?
blur as for now i am.
i sound like that star wars alien guy... yoda, is it?
im willing to be a yg trainee.
but i still got no confidence in sending a video of me singing.
embarrassed to be exact.
i hope someday i can really live my dreams.
i wish that day will happen.
the day i show those bastards im capable of being who i wanna be.
i want someone to help me in pursuing my dream.
please someone please :(

ay follow me :)

tomorrow is gonna be like shit!
wae? why? kenapa? Wèi shé me?
we're gonna be dead!
oh, btw my berfday is in 10 days! :D
but seriously, someone save us now.
it just had to be tomorrow.
the deadline i mean.
ohgawd kill me.
i don't mean it.
can't wait till my birthday.
but i can wait real long for tomorrow to come :/
i don't wanna get punishment :(

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

im so sorry but i love you :(

im glad i got to tell someone about how i feel about ahem.
someone who had a similar situation before.
i really wanna just stop about ahem.
never want him to be in my mind ever again.
but why is it so hard?
can't it ever stop? the way i feel about ahem.
is it really necessary for him to exist in my life?
i wish i had never seen him before.
but there would be no one else as "perfect" as him.
he's sooo...
someday i'll stop. i know i will.
i'll find someone wayy better than him.
someone that i actually talk to.
someone who can care and love me and never cheat on me.
not someone who might not know i exist.
not someone who i've not talk to at all.
yes! i'll find that guy.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

how could you be soo? :(

yesterday my patience almost broke.
was about to break down into tears.
i guess im over-sensetive again :/
i wish i can be a stronger person.
i'll try my best to be stronger.
i dun wanna break down into tears, be pissed off and get angry soo easily again.
but it's just too hard to control.
why? why can't i be someone that can be strong?
i don't want that to happen on my birthday again like last year.
my granddad ruined it.
i don't want him to ruin it again this year :(
can't i have pleasant birthday this year?
is it too much to ask?
i hope this year will be better.
nothing bad like my 13th and 14th birthday.
i hope it won't be ruined by anyone and myself.
well, won't be doing much for my birthday this year but go to pyramid. i guess.
no where special to go, eat, hang out and have fun.

baby you and i :)

how lovely is today ?
until now... it's raining again :(
at least, today was just so fine.
bought new earphones :)
6! 6 new T-SHIRTS! :D
wiped out now.
went to ikea today.
met zac unexpectedly.
waved at him like some maniac :P
no fimage. lol.
reminds me of yuber :(
wanna go!
next year only got...
it's okayy.
today's Wen Xin's berfday! :D

:D hope you have an awesome onee. :)