Saturday, April 16, 2011

im ready for your love :)

never had the chance to tell you bout my first impression bout school.
before i came to sri emas.
i already knew bout it.
wanted to go sirius but nooo.
FULL? bullshit, full!
many people could get in why not meee? :(

went for orientation before school started next day.
was late :/
first time i met hayley and rizal :)
made a cool guitar/eiffel tower in our group.
saw sathya and was stunned.

first day of school.
in a group with beatrice, shen yin and lawrence.
weren't that close.
went to class to find so less people.
met Tze Wei, Eddy, Sim, Shamini and Tze Yee.
already knew Sathya.
Tze Wei thought my name was Natalie.
we found out that we both like bigbang :)
had to introduce ourselves in class.
met nice teachers.
the day we had T&T ==
tiring a bit. i guess.
was the most fun day i had.

second day.
sathya kept making me laugh my ass off the chair. literally.
teachers were cool.
went for vocals but turn out to be drama and vocals mix?
was so much fun.

those days were fun
after yuber camp was even better :D

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