Thursday, April 28, 2011

Being weird is awesome :)

Being weird is awesome :)
my beu-ti-ful tumblr :)

just realize what i just realize :)

i think im officially into the freeze song by block b!
especially the chorus :)
i know i said i'd be blogging on the weekend but i wanna blog again for a while.
before it's time for hobo sleeping time.
mann. was watching the performance by block b and i think that they're so cool.
really really cool.
might be my soon to be favourite kpop group :P but only number 3
bigbang and 2ne1 are always ahead :D
wondering why i have a certain feeling nowadays...
feels weird but in a good way.
i wish it goes away.
go away ay ay ay ay
by 2ne1. hahahah.
it practically happens in school.
i just wanna know why and then think what i should do about it.
watching Thorn Birds, k-drama!
nice weihh.
i really am too much into korean media.
ain't i? don't answer that.
well gotta end here now.
took me a long time to do this post because was too distracted :P
see ya. the hobo is out now babyy. ;)

serious. mysterious :)

recently listening to block b - freeze.
the rapper is cool :D
sorry for the such random post yesterday...
i wasn't thinking straight. so yeahh.
i officially am going to forget someone that keeps hanging in my mind.
because he's important to me NO MORE :)
i can't wait for my bigbang album!
hip hop was fun today.
tr. simon gave us stage position for appreciation day.
im in front :O
along with Tze Wei, Wen Xin, Tang Ling, Sean and Lawrence :)
im not alone! YEAH!
gonna learn lyrics like i used to in sedaya for fun.
and do some random dancing. haha Gie Mei can't see :P
will not be using the net tomorrow. i guess this is goodbye.
reminds me of tell me goodbye - bigbang :D
but will be blogging on the weekend
so, see ya then.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

hush hush hush :)

it's time for to tell you a secret....
im having an affair with

because he's too sexy.
so, dun tell mah monkey
if you do then...
he'll give me the death glare :(

i promise i won't do it again :(
hehehe. being random on my last post of the night :)
don't worry TOP!
im just kidding :)

My smiling angel! 생일 축하. :D

Saturday, April 23, 2011

hobo is here.
not looking like what she was on theme day :)
watching bigbang tv.
to Tze Wei! :DD
i bet you're gonna

Thursday, April 21, 2011

cause it's a thriller.

theme day is over!
finally don't have to panic about anything now.
dressed up as a hobo.
dreams really do come true.
i laughed like mad when i saw how i looked :D
you see that!
the awesome hobo ever :D
well.. don't worry i won't look like that in future.
hopefully :P
thanqew Tze Wei!
for helping out so much!
we owe it all to you :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


theme day! invasion!
today was bad but syafeera saved the day! :D
she brought her sister's Play with GD&TOP album.
plus signature in it.
was sooo happy!
laughed like a maniac when looking at it.
syafeera's sugaglider died :(
Rest in Peace...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

the very next day you gave it away.

ayy. how ya doing to those who actually read my blog? :)
today was stuck in a table with beliebers..
was really hard for me to understand their bieber talks...
but when it comes to vips or blackjacks talk.
i understand lots more :)
i don't mind having friends that are beliebers.
now i can accept that people like bieber.
but i still don't like him :P
i just can't stand his song Baby and Never Say Never.
i mean he said never so many times.
it's okayy.
bieber's all rite.
but he ain't the kind of guy i like...
bigbang boys are just my kind of people :)

p.s. learnt to accept people's taste in music.

Monday, April 18, 2011

take mah soul, mah heart back :)

the hobo is in dah house, homie.
lame much.
T&T today was painful :(
i aching a bit now.
ate apple with nutella on it :P
i know iknow i'll get fat.
but im already fat!
i gotta lose weight!
i will exercise everyday from tomorrow.
not now because i just ate.
it's gonna be a long year this year.
i can just feel it.
don't you agree? :)
im gonna buy a berfday present for...
i dun care imma buy you sumthing :D
well, that's the post for the day.
yesterday i was kinda lazy to post so.. yeah.
take my shower now.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

im ready for your love :)

never had the chance to tell you bout my first impression bout school.
before i came to sri emas.
i already knew bout it.
wanted to go sirius but nooo.
FULL? bullshit, full!
many people could get in why not meee? :(

went for orientation before school started next day.
was late :/
first time i met hayley and rizal :)
made a cool guitar/eiffel tower in our group.
saw sathya and was stunned.

first day of school.
in a group with beatrice, shen yin and lawrence.
weren't that close.
went to class to find so less people.
met Tze Wei, Eddy, Sim, Shamini and Tze Yee.
already knew Sathya.
Tze Wei thought my name was Natalie.
we found out that we both like bigbang :)
had to introduce ourselves in class.
met nice teachers.
the day we had T&T ==
tiring a bit. i guess.
was the most fun day i had.

second day.
sathya kept making me laugh my ass off the chair. literally.
teachers were cool.
went for vocals but turn out to be drama and vocals mix?
was so much fun.

those days were fun
after yuber camp was even better :D

for the first time :)

oh gawd...
im gonna go for this group in my grandma's place to "hang" for teens.
it has been going on quite long.
im afraid i won't fit in :(
well.. it's tomorrow.
i was like i dun wanna go but noooo.
i have to :(
im sad now.
i wish i had someone i know there.
that'll be all rite.
just like the first time i came to sri emas.
there was sathya. :)
we weren't friends like now because last time we did not get along much.
so thanks to this school we're friends :)
maybe i'll get new friends :D
wish me luck.
hope i don't get nervous :(
will be myself the fun person :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

i like the way you walk walk :)

awww mann.
my momma ain't home yet :(
i have to eat heated up pizza for tonight.
i can't wait for invasion day :D
wonder what the others gonna dress up.
mine is a secret.
supposed to go pyramid but nooo.
nevermind then.
addicted to love song :)
i guess watching tv should be done now.
hahaxx *sim catchphrase :P

Thursday, April 14, 2011

trouble trouble :)

im trying my best to post every single day.
hopefully there are people who read this so yeaa...
had a bio presentation today.
i passed.. but my confidence was still low :(
i don't understand myself being nervous when presentation comes up.
it's so urrgghh.
will do my best to be a more confident person.
hip hop was okayy. got stressed out.
haizzz. i hate myself being like that.
watching glee repeats :P
haha. thriller. how awesome mann.
can't wait wat's gonna happen tomorrow

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

your love overwhelms my brain

it's me.
the blur person whose real tired now.
can't think much now.
all i can do now is write crapp.
don't i do that most of the time?
i love you.
i don't know why i just type that...
will be taking a shower soon.
hopefully that'll wash off my blurness.
i hate it when im blur.
i won't think straight and can't understand things easily.
i hate it! D:

i want somebody to love :)

my angel soo adorable ^^
my aunt gonna buy me bigbang uniqlo sweater :)
yay! i love you aunty gloria!
you rock my socks off.
my mom was happy about me making breakfat yesterday.
but she was upset about no buffet din din :(
mommy, cheer up. i love you.
found out that tze wei has a blog. hehe.
she's sooo cute.
wahahaha. i always tell her that and now im blogging it :P
im pretty lame right now...
but that's the way i am.
and you can do nothing bout it.

what is right and what is wrong? :/

chinese test was the happening in school.
i think imma pass who am i kidding?
i am cause err... someone keeps shouting out the answer. :)
well, thank you mann. i can finally pass chinese :)
laughed my ass off today.
tr.ben arr...
such a "comedian"
im kinda lazy now.
will type a little later now.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

please don't go :(

why can't dreams be reality sometimes?
is it a crime to have at least one happy dream be reality?
just once. only asking once.
i won't ask for more.
it's just once in my life i want pure happiness.
i want it badly, please.
will ya just give it to me :(

i will take you there baby ;)

Wassup Wassup Wassup Wassup Wassup :)
long time since i'd say that...
oh wait i said it last week, my bad :P
now am watching kbs music bank :) was on just now.
black black black white :)
now am waiting for cn blue to perform
im hungry :(
can't wait to eat shogun tonight for a special occasion..
my momma's birthday :D
soo hungry :(

we don't give a dang dang dang dang dang :)

mann. school's boring for now :(
everyone's hungry and i am too.
currently listening to Somebody To Luv ~ Bigbang japanese version :)
doing hole in the heart research now.
while blogging and listening to music :D
kinda boring... but what am i supposed to do?
do nothing?
no way, kid.

Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu!

i know you won't see this.
I love you :)
hope you liked your breakfast and the letter i wrote you :)
and im gonna buy you that wallet no matter what :P
i dun care if you say u dun wan cos not worth it.
i'll still buy it for you :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

my monkey husband headbump the Kwon leader :)
smiling angel acting like a rockstarr :D

Don't stop the music :)

this post is dedicated to the people i've met here in sri emas
thank you for being there.
i never felt so happy for a long period of time.
i mean, yeaa. i love my friends in sedaya that make me happy.
but you guys are such awesome people.
i never thought i'd find happiness like this in my life.
thank you sri emas-an!
i love you guys so much :)
every time im not in school i'd be like mann. i wish i was in school now :(
thanks so much for being awesome :)

tonight, such a beau-ti-ful night :)

ain't my monkey husband cutee?
im a lawyer for now..
with my partner Hayley! :D
the both of us are hired by Gie Mei about the teddy debate.
hopefully it ends well.
and everything will go back to normal :)
that's what i want, i guess.
tomorrow's school!
can't wait what's gonna happen.
it seems that school is such an awesome place to hang out with the coolest people :)

it is a beautiful night :)

bruno mars-marry you is in my head now :)
it seems i can't get this song of my mind :(
at least it's wayy better than FRIDAY!
dumb song!
kinda bored so imma type for a while :)
type type type type type
that's all im gonna do for a while :)
while listening to bigbang :)
teehee. *imitating nigahiga.

I hate this love song :(

my darling monkey stop smoking :(
it's not good :(
although i hate singers who smoke, but you're my only exception :)
but please TOP stop it :(
i don't want anything happen to your health.
i love you :)

what did i do to you're heart?

i hate that american loser on tv now.
he said durian taste eeyuckyy.
imma wanna slap you on the face.
durians taste like heaven!
my fav-ou-rite fruit in the world!
why can't i reblog ? :(
i want to reblog!
please let me reblog tumblr please :(
why now? why??
hope it won't take too long.

black black black white :)

a teddy debate?
seriously? i've got no idea what's wrong with the two.
well, im obviously on your side, Gie Mei.
carmen! will ya just accept the teddy.
maths and physics~passed!:D
the rest is STILL a mystery :(
was really hyper today during T&T :)
was jogging here and here.
the teacher had the "you're weird" look.
i was laughing like crap practically the whole school hours.
Dave just had to talk like a lala bitch.
he should be a comedian.
lucky, sathya wasn't there.
he would have made me laugh more and more.
i love my class and the people in them. :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I am so stupid :(

true love?
love at first sight?
do i really believe that?
i dun really know..
i hate thinking about him..
why is he always no doubt in my head practically 24/7?
i mean i just thought he was cute that day.
and now every night i'd dream about him.
every time i want to stop thinking about him, he appears in my eyes.
he's like some kind of disease.
but a really cute one.
i feel dumb thinking he'll talk to me.
because i know he won't.
he's got no idea i exist.
but sometimes i feel he does glance at me at times.
i wish he does exist in my life here in school.
but i know it won't happen.
he's the one guy i can never get enough of.

It hurts :(

belated April Fool's :D
you thought i was hurt but i ain't :P
that's a song by the wayy.
taking song titles and parts was inspired by my friend, Gie Mei! :D
gotta go and eat my dinner.
i know it's kinda early but im hungry :(
see ya soon my second blog.
and if gie mei & carmen are checking this out,
i've been waiting soo long for you guys :(
you people are soo evil.
but i still love you :)

This Love :)

i must be very the bored.
Bigbang in blasting in my ears now.
i got nothing to do but type :)
waiting for Gie Mei or Carmen to come online now...
wondering if there are ever coming online?
hopefully, one of them will bound to be on now.
before then, shall go tumblr. :)

Just give me your smile :)

currently listening to Baby Don't Cry by the smiling angel, Daesung.
bored to death now.
facebook has become such a boring topic now.
tumblr is wayy better now.
hope blogspot will be all right for me.
i think it will cause i love typing :)
can't wait for the test results!
passed bio and chem so farr.
the rest is a mystery.
really excited and scared at the same time.
oh gosh, wondeing who wrote this sweet song daesung is singing :)
sweet like honey.
will never get tired of this song :)

bye bye first blog. well, hello second blog ;)

Second blog!
I think it's been a long time not using blogspot.
must be because of tumblr...
anywayzz, this is my first post! :D
i think i'll be using this blog for now.
but will still be using tumblr :)
if you're wondering what my tumblr ishh??
please follow :)