Saturday, August 27, 2011

i told ya... I'LL BE BACK! ;)

well... *ahem*
it's been too long that i've ever updated this blog.
and i doubt they are even people checking this blog out at all :(
but those who actually do.. HI! :B
recently i have been just too busy to update because of school!
okay. fine. i was LAZY!
today i don't feel like doing anything
i just want to lay in my bed

haha. sorry la. not my fault :( all humans can be lazy alright?!
let's see...

I am now psyched about the Korean Music Wave concert on 24 September!!!! :OOO
homaigawd! my husband is gonna perform here in MALAYSIA!
i think imma faint....

the holidays are here :)
going back to sibu :DD
woopeedoo :) i can then see my cousins :DDD
i still do feel bad about not being here taking part for the school drama thing :(

was pretty sick last sick :(
had a terrible cough *still having it*
had to go to the toilet often DDD:
missed out two days of school :(
and had a geo coursework due on one of those days
luckily my groupmates did a great job :)
we had to do the history movie the following day D:
but good thing i put ivan in charge and he helped did the first quarter of the movie with the others :)
patience is the best thing i've ever had :)

now before i go...

GIE MEI, don't let it bother you and MOVE ON!
remember THIRD TIME's A CHARM! ;D

see ya muchachas ;)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

there are 2different tears :) :(

having a really boring time now.
all im doing now is tumblr-ing like a boss, watching tv and listening to k-pop radio :)
and still feel bored.
oh, and also blogging :P
multi tasking as always.
the whole week had been really hot, i mean seriously hot! it must have been i dunno 100 degreees :O
staying at home ain't boring as now.
i occupy myself using my IPAD and watching nickelodean. xD
im not too old for cartoons :P
have also been doing sit-ups and eat fruits.
sooo fucking healthy!
hopefully will be slim after the holidays :/
had been thinking of ahem once again :(
when i should have been "don't think too much, it's simple!"
oh, FML!
just realised was listening to heartbreaker when thinking about him was written :O
damn weird in a bad but cool way.
feeling frustrated right now because of ahem.
had been reading fan fics yesterday :)
three in one day :O
two were completed but one was to be continued.
fan fics about big bang are nice :B
i wanna go out for movies :(
with my friends :(
i wish i had transport. D:
well, will be tumblr-ing now...
buh-byeee :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I'm so stupid so stupid in love :(

i completely hate myself for liking you so much.
i can't get enough of you y'know?
it's so hard to avoid you.
oh, please help meee D:

i wish you'd be really there for me.
not just a fiction in my life....
having not to see you everyday is torture to me :(

why am i so stupid ?
i just had to fall for the trap of crushing on you.
and slowly changes into something more :(

every time i think of you. everyday...
i'd cry all the time.
that mostly happens at night.
it always cause me for having dark circles.

the smile I make the next day.
has always been a lie because of you.
all I wanted was just to see you everyday wearing that beautiful smile :)
but that had never come true yet.

Monday, May 30, 2011

all i want is to mess around :)

i'd have to be alone for threee days starting wednesday :(
my grandma gonna go to kuching *metioned*
well, will be watching korean dramas :)
decided not to stay in singapore.
will be alone taking care of my cousin :O
not going out shopping instead D:
that's why coming back was the best choice yet :D
im awesome that way yo.
checking out big bang merch.
might want to buy something :B
owh and will be pasting more posters on my bedroom wall :D
so far have 3 on it 2 more to be paste on :D
i love to wake up in the morning looking at TOP's face xD
well, gotta go sleep for now.

Friday, May 27, 2011

yo listen up :)

heyyo :)
the hobo is now in singapore! the shopping paradise xDD
but... i can't go shopping on the weekdays :O
sad ritee? damn SAD >:(
all i'll be doing is help out my aunt and hang out with my cousin...
that'll be okayy then.
grandma is going to kuching for her sis got cancer D':
so, my mom dumped me here in singapore. haizzz.
it's okayy. hopefully, i won't regret it :/
now am addicted to 0330 - u-kiss <3
will be going online for practically everydayy :O
watching tv. eat. sleep. go online. help aunt do chores. bully my cousin.
that'll be all what im gonna do...
well, see ya. hobo out O.o

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

im captain N-sparrow ;D

the hobo is the house and laughed like mad when reading gie mei's blog about events day :)
had dinner just now.
so the yummay :p
recently listening to 나만 이런거야? - block b :D
events day was awesome :)
had lots of fun with mah friends, gie mei, carmen, tang ling, tze wei, ashley and habibi :)
we had treasure hunt :O
i was in group 1 with tze wei and the form 2s and with my neighbour's mom and with someone's mom and some little girl. :p
kinda too much info, huh?
me, habibi, tang ling, tze wei and ash played in a pond :)
since we didn't want to ride on the horses. oh did i mention there was a horse ranch :O
COOL, riteee?
i sayang the horse :D
oh, and the treasure hunt thingy... our group didn't win :(
group 5 and 6 did :/
they won angry bird plushies and rm50 chillis voucher :O
what the fudge?
damn lucky lah them.

well, now i can't stop thinking about that M guy.... D:
i hate him for making me like him :(
there are so many other hot guys and i just had to focus on him only D:
fudge you.
now am really wanting to sing Turn Around - Zico & Kyung (block b)
to that bastard. fine fine he's not a bastard, he's the most attractive person to my eyes... haizzz.
wish i never was that observant to have seen you. :(

Friday, May 20, 2011

do wanna b ;)

someone else has caught my eyes besides bigbang recently.
they're music have been playing in my mind over and over again :)
all of them in this group are not easy to choose as a bias.
they make me smile when they have interviews.
their music is awesome.
but somehow they can't number one on my list because of BIGBANG :p
so let me introduce to you to.....
the sexayy,
hawt and
hiup hop boy k-pop group......

aren't they awesome? :DDDDD
you should listen to their song :)