Saturday, August 27, 2011

i told ya... I'LL BE BACK! ;)

well... *ahem*
it's been too long that i've ever updated this blog.
and i doubt they are even people checking this blog out at all :(
but those who actually do.. HI! :B
recently i have been just too busy to update because of school!
okay. fine. i was LAZY!
today i don't feel like doing anything
i just want to lay in my bed

haha. sorry la. not my fault :( all humans can be lazy alright?!
let's see...

I am now psyched about the Korean Music Wave concert on 24 September!!!! :OOO
homaigawd! my husband is gonna perform here in MALAYSIA!
i think imma faint....

the holidays are here :)
going back to sibu :DD
woopeedoo :) i can then see my cousins :DDD
i still do feel bad about not being here taking part for the school drama thing :(

was pretty sick last sick :(
had a terrible cough *still having it*
had to go to the toilet often DDD:
missed out two days of school :(
and had a geo coursework due on one of those days
luckily my groupmates did a great job :)
we had to do the history movie the following day D:
but good thing i put ivan in charge and he helped did the first quarter of the movie with the others :)
patience is the best thing i've ever had :)

now before i go...

GIE MEI, don't let it bother you and MOVE ON!
remember THIRD TIME's A CHARM! ;D

see ya muchachas ;)